I was packing my baggage on Friday December 15th to Sydney from Melbourne Southern Cross Railway Station. I arrived in the last few minutes to the station. Thanks to the excellent "right time" driving by my friend karthik. It was my other friend Preethi who helped me get to the train I need to board. This was my first long travel on a train to another city. I arrived in Sydney for the first time next morning at 7am. Nattu alias Natraj picked me from station to his place. I had high notions of Sydney before I landed in there. I was bit down after seeing the railway station and the nearby places. It did not strike any difference between Chennai or Mumbai and Sydney. I liked Melbourne much not because I moved in there currently.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I was packing my baggage on Friday December 15th to Sydney from Melbourne Southern Cross Railway Station. I arrived in the last few minutes to the station. Thanks to the excellent "right time" driving by my friend karthik. It was my other friend Preethi who helped me get to the train I need to board. This was my first long travel on a train to another city. I arrived in Sydney for the first time next morning at 7am. Nattu alias Natraj picked me from station to his place. I had high notions of Sydney before I landed in there. I was bit down after seeing the railway station and the nearby places. It did not strike any difference between Chennai or Mumbai and Sydney. I liked Melbourne much not because I moved in there currently.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Just last week I got the shocking updates of Indian students being attacked by local people. This racial behaviour has arised some sparks throughout Australia through the media. This happend in a "primitive"indian student community/suburb called Enfield where I used to stay. This was not common as we friends too faced such issues before. Our house was targetted mainly because we were asians. Our window panes were crashed by some mob who hurdled some pebbles or stones at the glass windows. This happened continously for 2-3 times in a week's time. We did not fail to inform the local police who cooly ignored the issue by replying that they cant send a patrol for protecting a mere 5-6 guys at that time of the night. I was so perplexed at the situation and so were my friends. But slowly the issue died down in the midst of our schedules. Now, this recent attack has a lot to count for. Two students were attacked brutally and their face was crushed. Those guys are admitted now in the hospital recovering. The Australian Government earns its revenue mainly by the overseas students and Indian students have a lion's share in it. So protecting international students is an absolute necessity. If the Government fails to take any security steps it will lose its major revenue obtained from the asian students. Flash updates from friends say that those guys are recovering and eye bleeding has stopped for one of the students. One of the local social organisation has taken responsibility to pay all the medical bills for those students. Its really a heart warming gesture inspite of the happenings. Hope no such incidents occur in future.
Melbourne which promises to be the"the place to be" is a such a happening city in the small state of Victoria. Since it is densly populated security measures are taken care of. Hope this justifies my take off from Adelaide. I would be much happy if I had a chance to return back to Adelaide, my favourite place in Australia. Even the locals awe at me when they knew Iam from Adelaide. They claim it to be the peaceful place on earth. Hope the Government takes some serious steps regarding that and give a new leash of life to international students and make them sigh for relief.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
This was the best ever article I have ever read before. Please spend some time on it. You will feel relieved.

Dr. Alan Zimmerman's Comments:
Saturday, August 26, 2006
"Vettayadu Vilayadu" or VV came out of the cans and hit the screens after a long time. Though the film sufferred some financial hitches at the instant, it continued to give a false promise on its release. Its been almost 6 months the movie was given final touches. Gautham and Kamal would be cursing their gods(of course Kamal wont) for too much hurdles on the way. If I am not wrong the movie hit the floors last July 2005 and hitting the screens almost took more than a year. Though "Mumbai Express", which was Kamal's previous film failed at the box office, VV promised a much more hype on its release.
Now coming to the review, I could not still understand what made kamal sign in this movie. Though his long time penance for different movies breaks a bit in this movie. I cant find anything different in this movie except the grandeur and US locales which are a major plus point. The camera work by Ravi Verman is excellent. Gautham has taken almost 3 years to give his next movie since his last film kaaka kaaka hit the screens. That movie won him accolades as well as for Surya. But that movie 's impact is still on Gautham and the hangover is still strewn in this movie. A few examples, the police officer in that movie plays a baddie in this movie. The heroine's name is the heroine's daughter's name. The flyover in chennai is the same in this movie, even the exact place too. What made the director go for this movie? Was it Kamal? Now the movie has opened big was because of kamal obviously. The director seems to gaze under kamal's glory. The music is undoubtedly good. I was expecting a taut screenplay in a cop movie, but really disappointed. Harris has experimented a bit for this movie and the songs "Vennilave" and " Uyirile" are melodious to hear. It is still ringing in the ears.
Kamal has underplayed his role as a DCP in this movie. The costumes he wears can only fit excellently for him. None can object it. Thanks to the director for having no duets and Kamal playing in 40 plus is acceptable. The matured love between Kamal and Jo is relishing. It may be new to tamil movie after "rhythm" showing post marraige relationships. Kamalinee, though a short role does justice to the role as Kamal's wife. She being a new face to tamil looks bubbly and promising. The whole movie lacks one thing. It is the kamal's instinct. Gautham has failed to the hype caused by the movie. He in trying to give a sleek entertainer has not explained clearly certain things which you would guess while watching the movie. Daniel Balaji acts as the baddie psycho path with his friend. He has done his part well except the same impact of Jeevan in Kaaka Kaaka. He shouts throughout the movie. Not too fearing as well. Usually Kamal has the name of ghost directing each film. But sometimes I feel he has not interferred in Gautham's. The movie lacks a bit of tempo in the second half. I still dont know why Gautham does not prefer a happy ending. He "kills" Jo in Kaaka Kaaka but in this film he kills both kamalinee and Jo. It has been a curse for Jo finally being killed in Gautham's movie. But in this movie its "almost " killed. As the baddie says " Killing spree" which would suit gautham on his heroines.
Movie Pluses:
Kamal, Harris for music, Ravi verman for camera.
Movie Minus:
Screenplay, slagging second half, a few more cannot be listed.
Undoubtedly not a kamal movie. Being an ardent fan of kamal I was disappointed. But the movie can be watched once.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Movie Review : The Kid (2000)
This movie was not a recent one as the date counts back to 2000. I got to watch it just last week and IMO it was a great one. Though it is termed as "The Kid" it is not only for the kids. It has reality strewn throughout the movie. It sticks to the tagline "Nobody ever grows up quiet like they imagined". The movie categorizes under the comedy genre and promises a hilarious entertainer. I have missed it all these years and finally caught up with it last week.
Here the movie goes. Russell Morley(Bruce Willis) is a man approaching 40 is a popular Image Consultant who runs after time and money. His frigid attitude towards life is well potrayed by the director, Jon Turteltaub. One night he hears a babble of murmurs in his apartment and comes face to face with a 8-year old kid Rusty(Spencer Breslin). All of a sudden he finds that the kid is Russell himself at a young age. He remembers his name being Rusty during his earlyhoods. He realises that its not a phantasm as he expects it to be. The kid is a naughty kid who scores equally to Bruce Willis. He asks too many questions which are no doubt makes Russell to hate him at the instant. He as a kid had always dreamt of becoming a jet flyer but ended up as an popular Consultant to all celebrities. There are certain dialogues which arise laughter and thought provoking. Like the one the kid says, "How old are you?", "Iam turing 40 within a couple of days", says Bruce. The kid comments, "That...........is...........old". After realising about the happenings Russell gets crazy and yells at the kid, "Look!I dont have time to get crazy". One more is his assistant Janet asks Russell over the phone, "How are you and hows Mini-you?".The strange thing is all the other characters are able to "see" the kid which is not logical. One more dialogue which reserves in memory is when Rusty asks,"What happens between being me and becoming you?" is such a weird one but a good one. The kid finds that Russell does not have a dog, not committed till 40 and is not able to answer questions like "Why does the moon sometimes become orange?". Russell struggles hard to answer only to wear a frown on his face. The kid sighs, "I knew I am growing upto be a loser!".
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Black Tuesday
Today morning, many would have woken after a good night sleep. I had a very good one without knowing what had prevailed in the previous evening in Mumbai. Yes!The City is targeted again for raising communal violence. My heart struck in my throat after reading the news headlines in The Hindu.
Monday, July 10, 2006
The End.
A Short Story.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hello Everyone!!!
Welcome to my blog. I was yearning to start a blog for long and was pondering over which issue should i focus upon. I always had a passion for cinemas. Wait! Did i say cinemas??? hmmm I was right. I loved them on the technical grounds like the angles in cameras used and the type film rolls involved. One of passions I had was on photography in films. I would rather give a higher rating to the director of photography than the casting crew. One such legend I wondered the most was P.C Sreeram. I saw his recent interview in Vikatan. Man! he has an other side too. A person who loves to be silent and his films make the speaking. I wondered how come a calm guy like him went on to pull the box office with his Kuruthipunal. Music always plays a vital role in movies and producing a movie without a song is really a daring act. What else does he need when he had a stalwart working with him in the movie called Kamal Haasan. P.C's work in Alaipayudhe is still appreciated for the colours he painted in the movie. I had to watch the movie a couple of times especially the songs for his creative works and only then I dealt with the story. I did not realise that my first blog is turning to be a movie review!! I wanted to initiate something interesting and found my passion for fine arts very interesting. Thank you for spending time in pouring over my first post. Lets keep rocking!!!